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Saturday, November 07, 2009
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shakespear said something funny about what life is like,'its like a story told by an idiot full of sound and furry but signifying nothing'.i think if the british people should pause a momment and look at David cameron they will see,he has no substance at all,he is all about talk and the talk is usually not very well thought through.He argues that labour had
13 years to make thing right which labour has been doing,and got us out of the recession in record time
.Nck cleg ounds very convincing and belivable,he has substance,unlike Cameron.
PUT THE WHOLE POLITICAL SITUATION IN TO A BOYFRIEND GIRLFRIEND RELATIONSHIP,Cameron is that pretty girl everyone wants but after a few weeks with her you will have the biggest heartbreak of your life.
Nick Cleg is that well cultured girl who is pretty and down to earth but too honest and all about marriage and scares away boys and not sure if she can be too serious.
Brown is the girl,who is family orianted and worries about the future of the relationship,but not very pretty.he is the girl that is average looking but has a good job,and a bit more inteliget than the other two,he is like the girl you get fed up with because you see some pretty girls only to come back to her again when you are heartbroken,and regre ever leaving him.
The truth is we might wnat change but there is no one better suited to carry us through the recovery other than Brown,its sad really,that Nick just came onto the seen but he could have been a better option,i have listend to Cameron but all he seem to say is motivational than substance(we want facts Mr Cameron,please get your act together).
What's up with Trump and Cruz insulting each other's wife?
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